Usar en una aplicación
Para aprovechar todo el potencial del sdk, es necesario conceder el permiso ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.
import com.ironchip.ironchiplbfraudandroidsdk.LBFraudSDK;
// Reemplace APIKEY con la clave API generada deseada.
LBFraudSDK fraud = new LBFraudSDK(this, "APIKEY");
// Por defecto nuestro SDK apunta al entorno de producción.
// En caso de que desee apuntar a un entorno diferente:
// LBFraudSDK fraud = new LBFraudSDK(this, "APIKEY", LBFraudSDK.Environment.Testing);
//public enum Environment {
// Production,
// Testing,
// Development
Map<String, Object> extraData = new HashMap<>();
extraData.put("concept", "Book august");
extraData.put("amount", new Integer(30));
extraData.put("operation", "booking");
// TransactionID (required,unique): transaction identifier request for fraud results
// UserID (required): User identifier
// ExtraData (optional): extra information for analysis
// The sendTransaction can be provided with 2 callbacks, one is executed when the transaction is finished
// and the other one is called in case an error did occure during the transaction process.
ironchipLBFraud.sendTransaction("random_identifier_generated", "", extraData, () -> {
// Add here any code you want to be executed after the transaction
// has finished.
}, exception -> {
// Add here any code you want to perform in case of an error
// during the transaction.
// exception.printStackTrace()
Updated: December 13, 2022