The researchers were able to escalate their privileges from the limited access a contractor might be given, all the way to administrator access. From this position a real attacker would be able to compromise the system, with the company realising too late to take effective action

Third-parties secure connectivity

Control with Ironchip the access of suppliers to the company’s most sensitive systems.

The incorporation of third parties in the maintenance of systems, machinery and even in the production process is necessary, but this increases vulnerability and turns each access into a possible entry vector to compromise a company.


Non-transferable key


Aumente la seguridad


Total access control


No passwords, frinctionless

Unique and secure non-transferable key

Human mobility traces are highly unique, the places we frequent recurrently are a set of data that can identify us in an obvious way just like our date of birth, name or ID number, thus becoming a factor of our identity.

The perfect balance between security and UX

Facilitates the immersion in the security of the company, avoids the frustration of managing passwords, company codes, tedious controls that end up being evaded. Manage three identity proofs in a single interaction, or even none at all.

Total access control

Monitor who, when and from where accesses your systems in real time from the dashboard control panel. Check the users activity, view the acceses in a timeline, obtain infinity metrics.

Intrusion detection system

Fraudsters know how to bypass the security controls you have in place, upgrade to location-based authentication, and stay ahead of fraud. Manage three identity proofs in a single interaction, or even none at all.